Would the city make stronger neighbourhoods if it build the playgrounds before people moved in so they had a place to meet their neighbours right from the beginning?
Pat Zelenak was a paramedic for 19 years. Since 1993 he volunteered to help build the Castle Downs regional park, then he retired and now works for a playground company full-time. Now he’s on the cusp of opening the final phase of the project, and says all the work is worth it in the end:
Kelly Jeffrey is at the other end of a “cumbersome and lengthy process.” She wrote in with her experience and some concrete suggestions for way the city could still encourage community building, but without the years of frustration.
“I am on a volunteer committee to build one of four parks in the Terwillegar area. South Terwillegar, Terwillegar Schools, Magrath and Mactaggart, all located in the Terwillegar Community League, have volunteer park development committees. … We are finding this to be a cumbersome and lengthy process.
“Terwillegar is in desperate need of parks due to the demographics of the area. There is a large population of preschool and school-aged children that do not have a playground within walking distance. A park is more than a playground, and includes such amenities as outdoor hockey rinks, tennis courts, basketball courts and community halls. All of which are lacking in this community.
“The individual committees need to conduct a needs assessment survey, as mandated by the City, which includes canvasing residents immediately adjacent to proposed development sites and conducting a survey which requires responses from a minimum percentage of the residents within the community. The volunteer park development committees need to raise a minimum of $125,000, which is a challenge in a new, “unfilled” community, to be able to apply for matching grants from the City and the province. The City has strict guidelines for park construction, and volunteer builds are not an option. The parks are built by the City of Edmonton, and constructed using their contractors. This also presents another obstacle in that if the funds are raised, park design and construction is subject to city administration, and contractor availability, which can further delay the project.
“Clearly the current process should be amended. Perhaps a standard park build should be undertaken by the City for new developments, and enhancements to the standard package would be the responsibility of the community. Developers should be required to collect money on behalf of the City which would be applied to park development in new neighbourhoods. The park premium on the sale of the lots would then be passed on to the home purchasers or be absorbed by the builders.
“This funding structure reduces the amount of fundraising the volunteer committees need to perform, and most importantly speeds the process.
“If a needs assessment is required, the City can lead the needs assessment process as they are more experienced conducting these assessments for other initiatives, such as the LRT expansion, which would further shorten the timeframe of these projects. Park development should be mandatory in all new communities.
Kelly Jeffrey
The feature on building playgrounds in Edmonton is now scheduled for this weekend. I’m also working on a piece about bridging the gap between ethnic communities and community leagues in Mill Woods. If you have suggestions or want to weigh in, send me an email at livingedge@edmontonjournal.com. Follow the project at www.edmontonjournal.com/livingedge.